Tuesday 8 April 2014

Noah Film Review - Film Of God Or A Damp Let-down?

The Verdict - 2.5 Stars

If I only had two letters to describe Noah I would tell you that this biblical tale was OK. In fact if I was to describe my opinion on Noah in a novel I would struggle to extend on OK. This is because the film lacks depth in certain areas whilst skipping over huge periods of time. For example in one scene Noah finalises his decision to build his notorious ark, then suddenly it's 80% complete, son Shem is making out with adopted daughter Ila and Russell Crowe has shaved his head!

Playing his part however, Crowe is superb. His portrayal of anger, sadness and ultimate relief when his plan comes together is expertly shown through magnificent acting. Noah is backed up by loyal and devoted wife Naameh, played by Jennifer Connelly, sons Shem, Ham and Japheth and the supposed baron young girl Ila, played by Harry Potter star Emma Watson.

It is the addition of Ila which allows this film to actually be a film. First she shows the kindness in the hearts of Noah and family when they discover her, stabbed and left to die. Yet even when chased by the evil Tubal-Cain, as well as a bunch of evildoers who are never formally introduced and are therefore insignificant, Noah still risks his life to scoop up the small girl and carry her to safety.

Ila also brings love to the film. First off as a love interest to Shem, whose children she goes onto mother, Ila is able to become a symbol for humanity, convincing her now crazed guardian that the creator wants human life to continue.

The love between Shem and Ila also emphasises the lack of love for middle son Ham. Banned from taking a wife beyond the apocalypse by his father Ham is deemed to spend his days alone. However it seems as though this was just added to the story in order to give the film any action at all. Ham's new-found hatred of his father tempts him to keeping Cain alive on the ark long enough for him to an anti-climactic 2 minute fight with the main man himself.

Overall the film is not great and lacks basic action, suspense and a real storyline other than that of the original. However the acting, especially that of Crowe and Watson, make it a film you can sit through but with a lack of enjoyable scenes it ultimately sinks.

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